abroad. And as good Norwegians (Leandro included) we bounced into the white landscape with eager and lust. We had a great time and looked back at our sparkling memories from Hald and our stay skiis and snowboards, accompanied with backpacks filled with Oranges, Cocoa and off course chocolate and biscuits!
The weather was fantastic and we had a great time
And we are very greatful towards Mari's parents who were bold enough to open their home to 11 (!) "young adults".
Here are the pics:

Stein Bjarte (Uganda) and Ingunn (Serbia) are eating oranges ?
1 kommentar:
Du marianne,du marianne..
ka slags bilder e det du legg ut her(#knis,knis#),må sei du fekk eit blinkskudd av meg&Iselin;)
takk for turen,det var vanvittig koselig!Kos deg i tigerstaden!
klem inger hanne
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