I dag har eg stått på skeiser (skøyter) ! Trur faktisk da e 10år si sist, og da versta e at eg ikkje overdrive (ergo eg bjynne å bli gammal :( )
Tusen takk Anne at du tok "utfordringen" ;) me va jo verken klønete eller kånete utpå isen..hihi
Digga bildene dine :)
Då gjenstår da bare for meg å stå på ski så har eg virkelig vert nordkvinne 'proper' dinna vinteren :)
søndag, januar 03, 2010
onsdag, mars 04, 2009
Social status and such..
Yes it is me again.. and it is less than 4 months since my last appearance. Well I thought I'd let you know that I'm still married, In Norway this is not something you may take for granted. We now live in our own apartment, that we rent, but still it feels very good. We used to share two showers and two toilets with 10 people. The truth is that though I really treasure to have my own toilet bowl I kind of miss it. Don't get me wrong, it's the people that I miss. It is good to have privacy, but there is this brother who reminded me of what he called "the Norwegian Syndrome". Where it boils down to "myself, myself, and once again myself". As a doctor I suspect that he knows his syndroms. I still haven't seen any of the neighbours at my floor, nor greeted anyone. I sit in my apartment and so do they, this is Norway. Coming from Fitjar, a small and (of my opinion) quite cozy village, I wanted to borrow something from one of the neighbours. My husband, whom I'm still married to yes, looked at me with big eyes: "Can you do that?" I realized that I was about to do something very risky, that not even my husband as a "foreigner" deared do: invade someone's privacy..
Yes, I have been proved to have that diagnosis too
Yes, I have been proved to have that diagnosis too
mandag, november 24, 2008
long time no see..
2007 was the last time I updated my blog..ehheee
No, no, I'm not the least embarrassed. To be quite honest, I had forgotten all about my blog, other people's blogs, well about blogging in general.
I met Anne Gunnerød in Oslo and I realised that I was not very updated, not on her life, nor anybody else's life. She told me to look up her blog and other's blogs. To me this sounded like work, but as I got started I realised that it was actually very "koselig" and was inspired to write this post.
For those who are interested in "sladder" or harmless gossip, I think this is the time for me to unveal my new status. When I say status I'm not talking about social class, but social roles (yes, social science has messed up my brain). I'm no longer single, I'm now a wife. I have not bought an apron yet, but I guess it is coming soon. I still look like a girl, but give me a few years and I'll show you my rinkles and my baking skills.
As most professional bloggers, I should also have uploaded a photo of the happy wife here, but I guess this is the moment of truth then..
Since there is no photo I give you 2 options: 1: I'm just incredibly lazy, or 2: I'm no professional blogger, but rather incompetent ...
Your welcome, have your pick
No, no, I'm not the least embarrassed. To be quite honest, I had forgotten all about my blog, other people's blogs, well about blogging in general.
I met Anne Gunnerød in Oslo and I realised that I was not very updated, not on her life, nor anybody else's life. She told me to look up her blog and other's blogs. To me this sounded like work, but as I got started I realised that it was actually very "koselig" and was inspired to write this post.
For those who are interested in "sladder" or harmless gossip, I think this is the time for me to unveal my new status. When I say status I'm not talking about social class, but social roles (yes, social science has messed up my brain). I'm no longer single, I'm now a wife. I have not bought an apron yet, but I guess it is coming soon. I still look like a girl, but give me a few years and I'll show you my rinkles and my baking skills.
As most professional bloggers, I should also have uploaded a photo of the happy wife here, but I guess this is the moment of truth then..
Since there is no photo I give you 2 options: 1: I'm just incredibly lazy, or 2: I'm no professional blogger, but rather incompetent ...
Your welcome, have your pick
lørdag, juli 21, 2007
Kenya tena
Since I already was in the neighborhood (Rwanda) I wanted to say hello to some friends in Kenya. I stayed some days in Nairobi, but I also got the chance to travel to Nyeri. The first picture is my good friend Milly and the second is of Kiuna and Phoebe, my host mum in Nyeri :)
It was so nice to be back in Kenya, even if it was just for a short while -I cannot express it with words (and yes I'm very talkative)
mandag, juli 16, 2007
My Christian Union (CU) in Oslo has had a missions project in Rwanda the last 3 years, and I've heard about it both during my stay in Kenya and this autumn as fresh CU-member. This time around I was so lucky and blessed that I was given the oppurtunity to travel to Rwanda and see on a more close range, what the project was really about. In our application for financial support we wrote about mutual learning both in terms of culture, history and leadership (how we do our ministry). Looking back I can say that such a mutual learning has been there indeed. It has for me personally been very enriching to meet Rwandan students who have lots of commitment and optimism. I hope that some of the things we saw and learnt can be implemented in our very own CU in Oslo, at least I'm very inspired, feeling "freshened" after our visit :)
søndag, juni 17, 2007
Departure day
Today is the "d" day, as in departure day. The clock is moving towards twelve and the butterflies in my stomack are ready to fly, and so am I :)
I am travelling to Nairobi today and to Kigali (Rwanda) on Wednesday. It is my first time to ever be flying (or travelling in general) such a distance on my one. It is a bit scary now on beforehand, but it is kind of exciting too, like a tickeling feeling. I shall do my best to snap some photos to post on my blogsite. Ok, so long folks -Tutaonana :)
I am travelling to Nairobi today and to Kigali (Rwanda) on Wednesday. It is my first time to ever be flying (or travelling in general) such a distance on my one. It is a bit scary now on beforehand, but it is kind of exciting too, like a tickeling feeling. I shall do my best to snap some photos to post on my blogsite. Ok, so long folks -Tutaonana :)
torsdag, mai 31, 2007
"Long time no see"

Wow, I think this is the first time that I update my blog since April..Exams are finally over, at least for a while :)
For some weeks ago we went for a hike at Skaugum, and yes, it is the same place as the royal family have a house, but no, for some strange reason we were not invited in to their home :P
Anyway, it was nice trip with great weather and with a nice view. In addition to a nice view, I also got to discover new things about myself -or just forgotten perhaps? Take notice of all the flowers I've captured! They are so beautiful!
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